Improve your reasoning

Whether you're a manager, the president of an association or the head of a major corporation, you can sometimes make the classic mistake of spreading yourself too thin, influenced by parasites or flimsy ideologies that hold you back more than they serve you. On the bangs of social norms, we support men and women aged 20 to 65, especially those who tend to make their daily lives more complex. We'll help you master the basics to get out of the pitfalls that affect 9 billion people every day.


Helping you eliminate the unnecessary

Whether you're a manager, the president of an association or the head of a major corporation, you can sometimes make the classic mistake of spreading yourself too thin, influenced by parasites or flimsy ideologies that hold you back more than they serve you. On the bangs of social norms, we support men and women aged 20 to 65, especially those who tend to make their daily lives more complex. We'll help you master the basics to get out of the pitfalls that affect 9 billion people every day.


Out of poverty

You feel trapped in an existence where false joy masks deep social misery. Everything seems stable on the surface, but in reality your life is bland. We're here to help you shatter the illusion that's preventing your project or business from moving in the right direction. Through innovative, multi-system, certified support. This adventure will force you to open your eyes to the reality of your situation, which is intrinsically blocking your business.


Becoming good at what you do

In a world where the pressure to perform is omnipresent, it's easy to lose sight of what really matters. We're here to help you find the balance between success and professional fulfillment, while striving for excellence. Through our innovative coaching and immersive experiences, we confront you with your limits and help you redefine the rudiments you need to move forward in life. Don't be content to follow the pace set by others, and start modulating your organization according to the values that truly correspond to you.


Putting minds in order

Because if you don't want to miss out on your life, you need to be clear-headed.


Helping professionals and organizations, as well as anyone in difficulty, to achieve their goals by learning to go back to basics, to eliminate all unnecessary things from their daily lives.


Nous visons à créer une communauté internationale où les personnes en souffrance ainsi que les hypersensibles puissent devenir plus smart et déployer massivement leur potentiel.


Accompany 100,000 hypersensitive people and 50,000 companies to return to these forgotten fundamentals, in order to simply solve their human and life problems.


Putting minds in order

Because if you don't want to miss out on your life, you need to be clear-headed.


Helping professionals and organizations, as well as anyone in difficulty, to achieve their goals by learning to go back to basics, to eliminate all unnecessary things from their daily lives.


Nous visons à créer une communauté internationale où les personnes en souffrance ainsi que les hypersensibles puissent devenir plus smart et déployer massivement leur potentiel.


Accompany 100,000 hypersensitive people and 50,000 companies to return to these forgotten fundamentals, in order to simply solve their human and life problems.


Our innovative service offering

Free yourself from the superfluous and adopt minimalism. We use a systemic approach to guide you through the process of eliminating all that's unnecessary, so that you can gain clarity, efficiency and achieve your goals with greater fluidity. By helping you establish new habits and strategies, we make success an integral part of your daily routine.

In a world saturated with empty promises and insubstantial marketing advice, we've designed an innovative and practical program. This multi-domain program, combining coaching, training and events, lets you juggle different formats to meet your needs in a comprehensive and coherent way. We do everything we can to ensure that you are never again left wanting for solutions, and that you have a reliable framework within which to make lasting progress.

After more than 10 years on the sidelines of his own life, Rémi Ledé, founder of our start-up, realized that conventional personal development solutions were often superficial. That's why we've created a form of support designed to provide solid, lasting answers, far removed from the commercial blur of fake wellness experts. Thanks to technology, we now combine coaching, training and events into one powerful and accessible service, previously unimaginable. Discover now how minimalism and our strategies can transform your life and free you from chaos.


They trust us

By the time you read this, hundreds of people have been accompanied, even if not all our customers have played the testimonial game. Some prefer to remain anonymous.


A successful life never leaves anything to chance

Votre vie est votre plus grand projet. Comme une entreprise, elle doit être dirigée avec rigueur et stratégie. Car sans planification ni pilotage, c’est le chaos garanti. Pour réussir, vous devez donc apprendre à définir des objectifs, établir une vision claire et reprendre le contrôle à chaque étape. Le meilleur moyen pour y parvenir est donc d’éliminer pour toujours de votre quotidien, tout ce qui peut parasiter votre élévation. Prenez donc dès aujourd’hui les consciences nécessaires à nos côtés grâce à notre offre unique.

Coaching Aventure Remi Lede
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